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Other Brands

Red Hat - Forum

Tech Conference

Creative Direction

Red Hat Forum, a gathering of the curious, an arena of ideas to reinvent what technologies we have and to dream of what we might build. The objective for me was to create a concept and build experiences that will make the techies from all across India to come with questions, and leave with ideas.

Key elements of Red Hat Forum:

  • Keynote presentations on industry trends

  • Detailed technological implementation sessions

  • Conversational sessions with industry experts

  • Learning from customer references

  • Hands-on labs

  • Live demos

JobsForHer - RestartHer

Conference + Career Fair

Creative Direction

RestartHer is a property of JobsForHer - as startup to help women restart their career. We have been partners with them for a few years now and have helped them with creative and experiential services. For RestartHer - continuing the modus operandi from the earlier cities, we went to town with the whole shebang. From conference to career fair, workshops to mentoring, experience zone to FB Lives.

SAP - Startup Social

Startup Event

Creative Direction

SAP has been a driving force in enabling this collaboration between startups and enterprises. SAP Startup Social, an annual summit hosted by SAP Lab India, is one such a vibrant and exciting event which focuses on bringing together different stakeholders to initiate conversations around the Indian startup ecosystem and its future.

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